My baby is now 2! I can't believe how sweet and wonderful he is! He's very into cows, balls, and trains. He has no idea what to do when his siblings are gone. He loves to smile at everyone unless they pet his white hair and then he tells them NO! Which people always think is adorable and don't listen to his request. He is rarely unhappy unless he has to have his feet covered by socks and/or shoes. He loves to ride his brothers' scooters and recently wanted to start potty training. He talks all the time and his vocabulary grows by the day. He now says 4 word sentences and loves to read books or be read to. He has a Bible verse memorized now and it's so cute...John 14:15 Jesus said, "If you love me, obey me" He says this anytime Jesus or obedience is mentioned-which could be many times a day depending on the day. Corbin brings smiles and joy to my heart everyday!