Most fun March moment!
Some of you may or may not know that it is my dream to one day go back to school to become a midwife. Aubrey has given me the joy twice now of using my nursing skills at the labor & birth of her daughters. I love it when she sets her birthing schedule around my availability...kidding. I arrived for an hour of catching up chit chat and then we got down to business. Kiera Ryann was delivered at 150pm weighing 7#11oz & 21" long. It never ceases to amaze me, no matter how many births I attend, & I pray it never does.
I really really think it's unfair that Aubrey should look that good after giving birth! My husband told me I looked awful after J and J were born! He, unfortunately, was correct in his appraisal.
Katie, arriving in time! Only a few would know what that really meant - God had it perfectly planned for you!
Aubrey, you and the March Miracle are both beautiful. I'm remembering the madness that followed Thanksgiving and this I know, your prayers were answered. Now, aren't you really curious what God has planned for this perfect bundle of life AND you get to be the momma and Nick gets to be the daddy! I know, I know, you'll both be leaning on Jesus. Sweet journey.
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