
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Most fun March moment!

Some of you may or may not know that it is my dream to one day go back to school to become a midwife. Aubrey has given me the joy twice now of using my nursing skills at the labor & birth of her daughters. I love it when she sets her birthing schedule around my availability...kidding. I arrived for an hour of catching up chit chat and then we got down to business. Kiera Ryann was delivered at 150pm weighing 7#11oz & 21" long. It never ceases to amaze me, no matter how many births I attend, & I pray it never does.
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March happenings

Corbin got his first haircut this month. Here's the before picture above. As you can tell...he needed one badly. :) He only had to have a trim around the ears and in the back where it was getting too long. He's barely got any hair but it annoyed daddy that it went over his ears and you could grab some in the back so we trimmed. He didn't mind the process one bit.
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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mayo vs. Manna

Julia & I have been attending Bible Study Fellowship this year and studying the life of Moses. Last Wednesday at dinner, Jeremy asked Julia to tell him what she had learned that morning. She began to relate the story of the Israelites complaining again about the fact that all they had to eat was manna and they liked the food better back in Egypt. So, God gives them so much quail that they literally have it coming out their nostrils and they choke & die.

The funny thing about this is that Julia kept pronouncing manna as "man-A" which is what she calls mayonaise. So when she was done telling her story I asked if she was meaning manna or "man-A". She was saying "man-A". Since we started studying this in September, she has been assuming that the Israelites have been eating mayonaise in the desert. No wonder they were complaining. :)